Reiki is a spiritual practice that can help bring about the needed conditions for all types of healing—spiritual, emotional, and physical. It’s holistic, meaning it benefits all of you: the physical and beyond.

More than one type of Reiki exists. I’ve been trained in Usui Reiki Ryoho, so that’s what I’m writing about here.

Usui Reiki is a practice of Japanese origin that was developed by Mikao Usui in the 1920s and brought to the United States by a student of his, Hawayo Takata, in the 1930s. The practice has evolved as it has been passed down from teacher to student, so not every practitioner approaches it the same way.

Hawayo takata

Hawayo takata

How Reiki Helps

On a basic physical level, Reiki helps your nervous system relax and get into rest-and-digest mode. But Reiki also encourages your natural healing response by gently restoring balance to your entire system—mind, body, and spirit. But what does that really mean? Let me give you some examples:

If you’re feeling stuck or confused, you might gain more clarity, flow, and motivation. If you’re anxious and tense, you might begin to feel more calm and relaxed. If you’re tired and drained, you might feel more energetic or refreshed. If you have pain, it might begin to lessen or even disappear. If you’re having a conflict with someone, you might find that it’s easier to let go of anger and empathize with them.

mikao usui

mikao usui

Note that I used the word might. These are just examples, and Reiki practitioners cannot guarantee any outcomes. We’re trained to help facilitate your healing (and our own, as well) and hold space for you. All you have to do is show up and be open to it—it’s that simple.

Because our Reiki experiences are based on what we as individuals need at the time, they can be completely different or similar to those of other people. You may even find that your own experience differs from session to session. Usually, though, you’ll leave with a better sense of well being. At the very least, you’ll have a nice little break—some “me time."

The Deeper Benefits of Reiki

On a deeper level, Reiki can help us access the unconditional love and peace that’s at the core of each of us—and everything in the universe. It is through this process that we begin truly seeing and honoring ourselves.

As we live our lives, parts of ourselves can become hidden by the effects of trauma, fear, pain, lies, and limiting beliefs. To find ourselves again—to reach that core of love and peace—we usually have to clear the pathway, peel the layers of the onion, strip away the old paint, cut through the fog, open the Russian doll (or, ya know, any other metaphor that resonates).

Reiki is a gentle way of releasing what’s been getting in the way of accessing that inner core of love and peace that’s connected to everyone and everything. And it’s a beautifully simple process: all you have to do is show up and receive a treatment (or give yourself one if you’re trained).

Afterward, it’s up to you to keep that pathway to honoring yourself a little more clear. I've found that Reiki makes it much easier to see what you need to do—and to actually do it.

Reiki for Animals

Animals are already adept at activating their own natural healing responses. However, they often do appreciate our our support.

Like with humans, Reiki can help bring about the needed conditions for all types of healing in animals—spiritual, emotional, and physical. It encourages their natural healing response by gently restoring balance to their entire system.

Reiki can be a safe, gentle, and non-invasive complement to veterinary care and provide animals with compassionate support through illness or difficult times. It can also help make their end-of-life transitions more peaceful.

Reiki, Spirituality, and Religion

I welcome people from any religious background—as well as people who are atheists—to my Reiki practice.

Reiki is a spiritual practice—not to be confused with a religious practice.

Reiki is not connected to a religion, and you don’t have to subscribe to a certain set of beliefs or rules to benefit from it. Other examples of practices that are spiritual and not religious include meditation, yoga, breathwork, and Qigong, just to name a few.

Reiki, Science, and Medicine

Reiki is not a science, a conventional medical treatment or a substitute for the care of a doctor or therapist. However, because it helps strengthen our natural ability to heal and benefits our whole system, it can be complementary to treatment for a number of issues, including (but not limited to):

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Addiction

  • Insomnia

  • PTSD

  • Hormonal Imbalances

  • High Blood Pressure

  • ADD and ADHD

  • Migraines

  • Digestive Issues

  • IBS

  • Inflammatory Conditions

  • Cancer

  • Autoimmune Diseases

  • HIV and AIDS

What a Session is Like

During an in-person Reiki session with me, you’ll usually lie fully clothed on a massage table or other comfortable surface, and I’ll lightly place my hands on (or above—it’s your choice) parts of your head and body. For a remote session, you’ll just get into a comfortable position wherever you are, and I’ll then channel Reiki energy to you.

We’ll talk before the session and set an intention, but I don’t usually talk during it (because I don’t want to mess with your relaxation).

I do most of my Reiki sessions for animals remotely (they usually prefer it that way). I’ll call you before the session to discuss the situation, and I’ll use my animal communication skills to let the animal know what’s going on and ask permission. The animal can then go about their day while I channel Reiki to them.

You can visit my FAQs page for a more detailed description of a Reiki session with me.

Are you skeptical or simply want to know more about Reiki? Visit my FAQs page to get some answers to frequently asked questions. Don’t be afraid to submit a question or contact me if you don’t see yours there.